Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Recap of recent years: Prelude to Spiritual Abuse from another church

My heart is a bit heavy and prayerful today. Yesterday, I ran into, at my new church, a beautiful couple who had stood by me 9 years ago. It brought up all the memories and resurfaced the recent hurt my New husband and I had just gone through just 9 months ago when we left a toxic church. Yesterday, and this morning, before he went off to work, we found ourselves comparing my experiences from 10 years ago to our experiences 9 months ago and the similarities between them.
For months I’ve considered restarting this blog, because after going through spiritual abuse yet again, I realize how pervasive it is and how centered it is upon false teaching.

But I’ll back this train up a bit and go into a bit of background of my life over the years because it’s been a bit of a roller coaster. There’s loss, heartbreak, love, victory and a bunch of crazy stuff and yet in the midst, when I said I would never do ministry again, there was ministry and healing.
So, In 2009, October to be specific, I left a very toxic church where the Pastor was not only spiritually abusing me, but sexually harassing me. After I left, there were crazy things that happened like phone calls, lunch and dinner outings with all my friends and them being encouraged by leadership to cut all ties. Then there was the mysterious cut underground electrical line that ran to my air conditioner unit. I didn’t discover it until we went to sell the house as-is to a couple years later. 

My husband (now ex) and I had gone on a cruise the week after we left the church and had come back to discover a non-working central heat and air unit to our house. We had someone come out and they never discovered it and we couldn’t afford to replace the whole system like they suggested, so we purchased window units and moved on with our lives. We never realized. We also never found out who intentionally sabotaged it. It was dug up, then cleanly and purposefully cut.Then there was the Private investigator that hung out, parked across the street in our country, middle of nowhere neighborhood for a week straight. I recognized him from when my former Pastor hired him to investigate his own mother’s boyfriend and then passed out the report among most of the church and literally faxed and mailed it to other pastors who had booked the man to speak at their church. He effectively destroyed that man’s entire ministry.There was also the threatening phone call after I had reported the abuse to higher ups at Rhema Bible institute and to AFCM International by the Pastor’s wife where she yelled and screamed at me promising I’d see cursing upon my life.
I hate to admit it, but all of that, coupled with other incidents, like having people spy on me and phone calls to every church I visited, had me fearful to leave the house for almost a year.
BUT…. It was a training ground that lead me to recognize other abusive church tendencies and call attention to and speak out boldly!

After the church in 2009, I went on to enter back into ministry on staff at a church plant in 2011. I was there for 4 years until I stepped down in an attempt to save my marriage. I wasn’t able to do so, since my now ex husband, was having multiple affairs and refused to repent and seek out counseling. I had also suffered domestic violence at times and as a dutiful wife I stayed and prayed for too long. In 2015, I divorced him and was done with his affairs and abuse.

I briefly helped out a church in the midst of my divorce for a few months until complaints started circulating that I didn’t sing the hymns old school enough. The treasurer kept refusing to pay me my wage and so after my experience with my first staff position, the abuse of power prompted me to walk. I’m still in good standing with that Pastor today. Poor guy just had a jerk family who ran the church and wanted their own personal agenda and I wasn’t going to stand by and have my kids eat nothing as a single mom, just because someone didn’t care for how I sang their hymn.

In 2016, I was recruited by a pastor who I met by accident in the grocery store, and he’d coincidentally heard about me, to his church. I visited and checked out his church, and got drug up on stage that same Sunday with no preparation. That next week he offered me a staff position and asked me to mentor a young man who had little experience leading worship but had great potential. I agreed and waited patiently to be brought on payroll. Little did I know the same offer was brought to the young man. During the course of the few months I was there I discovered some real issues and my prior experience with spiritual abuse was again my red flag indicator! There were some incidents that happened and I was very cautious as a single woman in that church as it was full of single men involved in a men’s rehab center. I was NEVER alone with any man ever and my teenage son acted almost like a bouncer. I was extremely intentional about protecting my integrity around these recovering addicts and even the pastor who ran the program as he was former alcoholic. My past with my former husband, an alcoholic, made me cautious in my dealings with every man in that church.

I was asked out on a date by a guy 10 years my younger and of course I turned him down. Well that apparently stirred up a whole hornets nest and malicious gossip began because the young man didn’t like being turned down. There was also an incident with one of the pastor’s long time friend who came to visit. He was a pastor from another state and led me to believe he was a single man and asked me out on a date. I accepted, but after the date, even though he seemed charming enough, turned him down for anything further. He was pretty persistent and he’d gone back to his home state and his persistence and promises of connecting me to music industry leaders prompted those spiritual abuse red flags. I googled him and found his beautiful worship leader wife! I exposed it to not only my pastor, but to the man’s wife and to district leaders of his church in the Southern Baptist convention, and with the leaders of the district, brought attention to the Deacons and Elders of that man’s church. My Pastor actually defended his friend’s actions and shortly after preached a scalding sermon about the Jezebel spirit and publicly suggested that the Jezebel spirit attached itself to attractive, single, women. There was only one other single woman in that entire church besides me.
Needless to say, I packed up my equipment, turned in my keys, and walked. Six weeks later that church shut it’s doors. I never said a word to anyone why I left, other than to tell the Secretary/Women’s ministry leader that I was leaving as Sunday’s sermon was divisive and abusive to the body of Christ and that it was false teaching. I handed her the keys and didn’t even step into the building when I did so. I had caught her in the parking lot. I dusted my shoes off before I stepped into my car.
I didn’t talk to any one. I didn’t gossip. Just left.

I chuckle now, because essentially, I just took my toys and went home. I was a single mom, with no one to protect me or stand up for me. I had left an abusive marriage, I wasn’t going to be a part again of an abusive church. I cut everyone from that toxic church off, and chalked it up to more experience and prayed God would lead me to safe church for me and my children. It was months before I learned about the church no longer being in operation. God has a way of doing that I’ve found. The first abusive church I was apart of went from 175 to just a handful of people and has no influence in the area at all now.

Well in May of 2017 I came upon a new church that hadn’t been around long and they were meeting in one of the schools. I immediately felt connected and loved and protected. I needed a safe place. By that time I was done, done, done, with dating! I’d completely given it over to God and put safe guards in place to protect myself and my kids by having any potential suitor go through my Pastor and my friends first. Any man who tried to date me had hoops to jump through. Because of me being a worship leader, many pastors, many false teachers, had tried to date me.

But during that time, God brought the right one along and my good friend Geoff, became the love of my life and it really kinda snuck up on me. He went from just a guy I had met on a dating app a year prior that was way too baptist for me, to a friend on Facebook, then to my musician, funny-as-all-get-out buddy, who was also crazy good at the drums, to my bible study nerd who was just like me. Then suddenly, during a walk down at the marina, discussing what we wanted in a future spouse, it hit me, I was describing him!

There’s a lot more to the love story of course but seven short months later we married.
Just prior to our wedding is where the next serious story of spiritual abuse began and God’s provision to lead us out of there!

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