Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Last Day

I stood at the bottom of the stage and addressed the congregation without a microphone. I had checked my mic just before I had descended the stage only to find that my mic had already been muted. I wasn’t sure whether that was by the direction of the Pastor or if the sound tech was just being expedient about shutting things down. So from the base of the stage I addressed the people.
I never mentioned why I was leaving but I sincerely thanked them for the honor of allowing me to lead them in worship over the past three years. I blessed the church and I blessed the people with an admonition to go on in Christ and be fruitful and multiply.
Tears were running down my face as I spoke. So many of those people had become very dear to my heart and I knew I would miss them terribly. I was just as shocked as they were and I felt terrible that I couldn’t somehow soften the blow of my leaving or somehow save them from the abuses I knew many of them would endure if they stayed. I also knew that shortly, many of them would come to hate me as they were pumped full of the lies that I knew were to come.
The Pastor visibly relaxed as I stopped speaking and the Associate Pastor finally resumed his movement and picked up his Bible off of his chair. If I could have read their minds their thoughts may have been, “disaster averted, our secrets are still safe.”
I walked back to the door and joined the Pastor. I stood by the door as people filed past me either to leave or to hug my neck before going to the back to enjoy the cake. I kept reassuring the many people who expressed their concern that they were shocked by the suddenness of my departure that I would be there Wednesday to say goodbye. Many people expressed that they wanted to get me a gift and to give me a proper send off. Member after member asked me why I was leaving and I explained to each one that we were looking to move to Georgia. My Pastor stood there by my side as I spoke these assurances, never once informing me that, that day was my last day. He had purposely deceived me and the people of the church. He was setting me up to look like a liar.
By the time I reached the back most people had left and there were less than 20 people in the fellowship hall. By the time I got a chance to grab a piece of my good-bye cake the numbers had dwindled down to only those helping with the clean up. As I was taking my first bite of cake, that’s when the pastor informed me that this had been my last day and there was no need for me to attend church on Wednesday. He would have the praise team lead the worship.
I nearly choked on my cake as he then asked me to come in the next day and clean out my office. He informed me that they would be painting my office Tuesday in preparation for his wife to occupy the space.
I informed him that I wouldn’t be able to come and clean out my office until after Chris got out of work. There was no way I was going to go into the Lion’s den alone. The Pastors words and actions of that day were clear and showed his intent at further manipulation and deceit. I wasn’t going to play into his hands.
I finished my cake and made my way into my office and anyone that passed me could see I was hot with anger. I grabbed my stuff while Chris went and got the children and we left.


  1. How well i remeber that day... I was completly oblivious to what was going on... I remember the odd look on your face.

    1. I'm rereading some of my posts in light of me leaving a church just over a year ago and I'm amazed, yet not surprised, how similar the experiences are. Toxic abusive leaders, really do have the same MO. They seek to hide their sin, and don't give anyone the chance to expose them and bring their transgressions to light. There's always secret meetings, letters, emails and duplicity in rushing people out the door! Luke 12:1-3 Beware of the leaven of the pharisees, which is hypocrisy. But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.
