Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Touch not thine anointed: oops touched your idol!

So earlier today, I may or may not have touched someone’s idol of Bethel church. They deleted my comment when I mentioned Bethel and Bethel’s link and endorsement to the occult. The person went on to comment that they would delete any and all comments that had identifiers to particular ministries or if people used names in their post as examples. That’s all fine and that’s their choice on their social media page. got me thinking about other times people haven’t been too happy with me for pointing out false teaching and they have responded in anger spouting the verse “touch not thine anointed”, warning me that some calamity will befall me for calling out their favored teacher. I’m bringing this up because so many, even if they don’t quote the verse, have this strong aversion to calling out those who preach a false gospel and that’s what I feel like I encountered this morning. This verse is often used by those to protect and justify actions of themselves and the ministries they follow; to deny culpability. This verse is most often used by the false prophets and teachers themselves.

First off we have to look at the context of that verse and the entire verse itself. I Chronicles 16:7 “Do not touch my anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm”
Simple enough. If you go read the verses surrounding it we see this is a song of thanksgiving that David sang.

So who does that verse apply to? Who does it not apply to? It applies to Kings and legitimate Prophets, those set apart for God’s service.
Ok, so who does it not apply to? FALSE PROPHETS AND TEACHERS. What is a qualifier as a false prophet or teacher? A Prophet, a true prophet according to scripture has to be 100 Percent accurate all the time! They cannot be wrong and if they are they are to be put to death! A False teacher is anyone who preaches a different gospel than the one already laid in Christ, the foundational truths, and according to Galations 1:8 let him be accursed!
The entire book of Galatians is Paul Imploring the Galatian church not to fall into works of the law. In Galatians 3:1, Paul cries out, “Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?
I John, Jude, 1 and 2nd Timothy all address false teaching. Ephesians does as well. Actually, if you look closely throughout the entire BIBLE, it addresses this issue over and over again. In the old Testament it was Baal worship and the worship to Ashtura and the ashtura poles, in the New Testament it was Gnostic teachings (special knowledge), humanism and a returning to the law and a works based salvation. Some even claimed that Jesus wasn’t resurrected, nor was he diety. I John 2:22,23 Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

So, where does Bethel come into this? They preach that Jesus was the Christ right? Yes, and no.
It’s the no part which makes what they preach another gospel that is accursed. They actually preach that Jesus was JUST a man in right standing with God. That he put aside his divinity here on earth. That Jesus was NOT God here on earth. Wait What? Yup….Jesus was just a man according to Bill Johnson.
He preaches on it and he teaches it over and over in his books. He’s denying the deity of Christ. Go research it for yourself. I don’t like doing all the leg work for people because when learning, the best way to learn, is to dig for yourself! Go do some digging!

So if that’s not enough for you, go research grave sucking and “christian” tarot card readings taught in their schools of ministry, or Bethel’s books that they endorse like the book “Physics of heaven”. This book written by Bethel leaders teaches about quantum mysticism using new age occult practices of sound, light, energy and vibrations! Is any of that preached or taught in the Bible? Where is it in scripture? It’s not! So should we be practicing these things or teaching them as truth when there’s no scriptural basis for any of it? No, absolutely Not!

Go research for yourself if Bethel church, it’s leaders, and those who endorse and support that ministry are biblical and have their teachings based upon scripture or not. If the answer is no, then don’t be upset when I touched your golden calf that you’ve set up as an idol, and called it a false god.
I’ve done the research. Have you?

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