Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Part 1: Elders leave and misunderstanding

Let me start off by saying I believe God led my husband and I to that church, not only to get me out of it, but so we could meet and expose the corruption. That church, like most abusive churches over time, is slowly dying and more and more families are leaving it and have been for over a year. It’s not just due to the catastrophic hurricane that hit our area either.

So, I convinced Geoff to start attending in August of 2017. We were friends, possibly band mates, and He most certainly had a calling for ministry on his life that was not being utilized in his current large church. By the end of September we had realized our feelings for each other after months of just being friends and numerous hours of bible study and discussion. I was so extreme in my anti-dating that I was clueless as to what was developing and everyone else just looked upon us with gleeful expectation. We were kind of hilarious. I was the last to know and realize something was going on.

By the time Geoff joined the church, I was pretty involved in the music ministry and the current director was easing me back into being a worship leader. But then shortly after her and her Elder husband left the church and she strongly suggested to the leadership that I take over as director. Instead the Senior Pastor promoted the only remaining, in town, elder to the position, who had little experience to my 12 years. The Pastor claimed ignorance of the prior Director’s recommendation even though she immediately upon leaving told me she had made the recommendation.

Okay, it was no real bother. I wasn’t sure I wanted the responsibility as I was a single mom anyway. I had enough on my plate during that time and in all but one position, (remember I was promised a paid staff position, but they never followed through), I’d been paid staff. Not that I won’t do it for free. I had done it always for as little as 200 per month. But to take on the responsibility as a homeschooling single mom without pay, in a church that was bigger than my first ministry position church and consistently reaching 175 people, that was a bit much to ask for. I brushed it off and gave the Pastor the benefit of the doubt that he’d somehow misunderstood.

Also, we’d later find out that the Elder and his Worship Director wife leaving was because of serious conduct issue with the Remaining leadership running the church. They DID NOT agree with how the church was being ran and left. There was a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes.

So, it ended up the Pastor came and asked me to run a worship team under the headship of this Elder, the new director of Worship. I offered all my years of experience but it was dismissed at every turn. The current volunteers were divided up into three teams and rules and guidelines were put in place.
Within a month, my team members were being borrowed and overworked by the director and it left me scrambling to fill slots. I had me, my two children and a single male singer that were consistent and available, yet the rules stated I could only lead maximum 2 out of 4 to 5 songs. I kept trying to talk to and reason with the Elder/Director to give me a guitar player and some more singers. His own team had grown to over 13 people and he required that every new member to the worship department be on his team for at least 3 months. Meanwhile, I ran my team on a skeleton crew. The other worship leader was fortunate to have 8 people on his team, which also included his wife and two children.
So there was this very big, extremely obvious power struggle going on. It was like the silent war against me and my family and privately, when no one was looking, this Elder got pretty nasty and condescending.

There were a few times that Geoff and I went to the Lead Pastor/Elder for advice and help. Also we expressed concerns over the fact that one of the Elders was on deployment and the only active longterm Elder/Worship Director lived upon the Pastor’s property. We felt like that was a serious conflict of interest and if the Pastor were to be caught in sin, who would hold him accountable? Surely, not the Elder living on his property who could be evicted just because of offense. Two other Elders had stepped down recently and then one Elder was brand new. But within just a month more that Elder too stepped down.

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