We’ve also had
people who have left that church tell us they’ve heard gossip about
us. The gist of the gossip is that Geoff and I demanded paid staff
positions and when we were refused that we got upset and left. Also
that we, of course, just like the other Elders and their wives who
left before us, are in sin and that we are Pharisees and have no love
and grace. The same story is told over and over about those who were
once in leadership, who have since left. You can honestly interchange
the names of the individuals, like those paper dress up dolls I used
to play with as a kid. The same accusation fits every individual who
has left. Isn’t that strange?
Actually, it’s
not. It’s a common theme among those who spiritually abuse. They
are never wrong and the fault always lies with someone else. If fault
needs to be accepted it will be the very least grievous
fault possible in
order to deflect from the greater sins that were exposed.
In all of this, with
every former Leader I’ve spoken to since we left in May of 2018,
there’s this common thread that the Pastor’s wife runs the church
and it’s been joked about as the “church of (insert the Pastor’s
wife’s name). Tools that she uses to make people comply are false
prophecies and gossip spoken over people and about people. I had my
own false prophecy of my death and destruction in a text message if I
were to leave the church and not submit to their leadership.
The gossip was
rampant and flowed out of her mouth like a dripping faucet, flowing
into many conversations that I had with her and she seized every
opportunity to tell me something about someone else. I was told about
affairs of people I’d never met, but knew on facebook, I was told
of financial trials, I was even told about sexual preferences of
certain leaders in the church. All of it shocked me and made me feel
uncomfortable. I wish I would have boldly spoken up and squashed it
but I didn’t. My need and want for acceptance won out over my
desire to stand in truth. I bring it out now so that people can
identify and expose this common thread of gossip and false prophecy.
All of it was aimed at promoting her authority and position over
others, to make others doubt relationship, and to force loyalty to
her alone and all of it, the manipulation and lies, continue to this
day with no accountability to anyone.
Some may be
wondering why I decided to post all of this. This long, long story,
that to some may not seem that bad. There’s many more details that
I left out. I focused on my story more than others, although I’ve
spoken to many former Leaders and their stories are much the same.
The theme is there’s no accountability for any of the
Leaders/Elders in that church. If you don’t comply 100% you are
gossiped about and forced out. The Pastor’s wife is the head
honcho, and if there are ethical issues, the Word of God is set
aside, and the agenda is pushed instead and the truth hidden.
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