This next list is a list I found on under the title “Is Your Church Free from Cultic Tendencies?”
The tendency of most individuals, when confronted with a checklist that they have an objection to its overall content, is to immediately dismiss the relevancy of each point without even pausing to consider the possible validity of each statement. I am going to personally highlight some of the statements that I have personally seen in operation at various churches that I have attended. The purpose of my highlighting these is not to expose a singular church and their transgressions but to cause you, the reader, to pause and consider the possibility of this statement as a reflection of your own church. Take honest stock of your church and judge for yourself.
1. Is your pastor fully accountable to a board of elders, presbyters, etc? (Do they live in the same city and have constant interaction with the congregation?)
2. Is loyalty to Jesus and to one's own calling placed before loyalty to pastor and church?
3. Does your pastor encourage questions and suggestions? Is he approachable?
4. Does your pastor give equal attention to all kinds of people in his congregation? (Are there clear favourites within the church, those who are wealthy, who tithe large amounts, or do large amounts of volunteer work?)
5. Does your pastor readily admit his errors?
6. Does your pastor avoid boasting or hinting at a "special anointing"? (Does he call himself a prophet, or an apostle or require the congregation to use a title when addressing him?)
7. Is your pastor truly humble? (Does he boast about not allowing sickness, or worry, or depression to get him down?) (Kenneth Hagin commonly boasted about never even having a headache)
8. Are the sermons based on clear Biblical truths, not on "original revelations" or ax-grinding? (Do other denominational groups agree and use the same teachings? Is your churches doctrines often thought of as heretical?)
9. Does your church interact with other churches?
10. Does your church staff avoid secrecy?
11. Is power shared in your church (rather than preempted by a hierarchy)? (Does your church have "The anointing flows from the head down" mentality? Are teachings that admonish the congregation to "honor their pastors and they will be blessed" frequently taught. Example John Bevere's teachings Pastoral Authority, Kenneth Copeland's book and teaching on Honor.)
12. Does your church see itself as just one organ of the Body of Christ, and not the main one? (Do your leaders refer to other churches or denominations as misinformed or lacking crucial understandings to live victoriously in Christ. Does your church have a "We are not like the church down the street" type mentality?)
13. Is your church truly friendly? (not just on the surface? Are the homeless, poor and needy welcomed in your church and do they come back and become part of the congregation? What about minorities?)
14. Does your church emphasize ministry to people rather than church programs? (Are they community or inwardly minded?)
15. Are especially needy people cared for lovingly in your church?
16. Are church members encouraged and loved even when they leave? ********
17. Are relationships with former members encouraged or allowed? ********
18. Do the pastor and congregation avoid attacking and using as object lessons, former members or those who disagree? ********
19. Are families encouraged to stay together and spend time together? (Is spending time as a family more important than being at the church every time the doors open?)
20. Does your family worship Sunday service include children, at least for part of the service?
21. Are you encouraged in your own calling?
22. Are pleas for money rare and unemotional? (Is guilt used during the tithe and offering speech such as "I never come into God's house without an offering to bring Him"?)
23. Are your children happy to attend church?
24. Are you happy to bring unsaved friends to your church? (Are people, such as homosexuals, conveniently preached at when they visit your church?)
25. Is there a diversity of classes, races, dress styles, ages, and occupations in your church?
26. Are people encouraged to hear from God for themselves?
27. Is there a single behavior standard for all people in the church? (Is everyone expected to be happy and blessed and have it all together? "To blessed to be stressed")
28. Are all types of people considered welcome at your church? (Are troublesome teens, minorities or those with behavioural issues loved and welcomed in your church?)
29. Is the joy of the Lord present in your church?
30. Are you free from fear in your church? (Do you feel free from the condemnation of others if you admit a failing in your life?)
31. Do you think more about God and Jesus than you do about your pastor and church? (Are you more concerned with what your Pastors would think than what God thinks?)
32. Does your pastor include himself in any calls for repentance and forgiveness? ********************************************************************************************
33. Are you clear that the pastors and elders never exaggerate or lie to make themselves look good?
34. Is your group encouraging of each other and free from gossip and rumoring?
35. Is there a humility of doctrine that points to the grace of God and His mercy for sinners? (Do you feel the need to be perfect or perform in your church?)
36. Are you encouraged to serve in ministries or missions outside the local body? (Are you strongly encouraged to volunteer in the church or made to feel guilty if you do not serve in church?)
Wow. This is compelling reading. I am sorry you went through all this.
ReplyDeleteMatt, You should check out my newest posts. I only just saw your comment from a year ago today!