I don't claim to have all my doctrinal ducks in a row. I'm not a theologian. What I do know, and recognize, is that false teachers, prophets and leaders have stripped the church of their witness and many sheep are being devoured, ravaged and fleeced. I would like to say that I believe that Word of Faith doctrines and it's leaders are false doctrines and teachers. Their doctrines do not line up with the word of God and are contrary to the very nature and character of God. Most often these doctrines deny the Sovereignty of God but it goes so much deeper than that.
I am not so eloquent and studied that I can break down every false doctrine for you if you are under the Word of Faith, or your church leaders hold to the teachings of people such as: Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Myers, Paula White, Joseph Prince, Crefflo Dollar, The Crouch's, Jessie Duplantis, E.W. Kenyon, Fred Price and Rodd Parsley. Their are many more who follow the doctrines of the Word of Faith movement. Just turn on the TV to any Christian station and you will see them.
Since I can't do the subject justice, I will refer to a work that I know does an excellent job with sound biblical teaching and exposes the true nature of the heresies that these people preach. There is nothing new under the sun and the devil is using the same tactic that he used in the Garden. The devil has said to the church just like in Genesis 3:4-5
"You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil".
Word of Faith doctrines teach that we are "little gods", enticing us with the same twisted truth that the serpent told Eve that she would be "like God". Word of Faith doctrines also teach that as "little gods" we can name and claim our rights of heaven here upon this earth as if somehow we know more than our Sovereign God. They teach that we have creative power to speak things into existence as these "little gods".
The saddest part of these doctrines is that they have permeated themselves into other denominations and the heresies have spread and are no longer within the confines of just the Word of Faith movement. These heresies have perverted and destroyed our witness and credibility with the World because we no longer have the salt that causes the World to thirst for the truth. We look and act just like the rest of the world; consumed by materialism, fame, domination and wealth.
This video I'm going to post for you all is quite lengthy, but it's worth watching. Watch it and see if any of these heretical teachings have slithered their way into your belief systems. It is eye opening to see and hear the heresies so blatantly put out there for us to see and how clearly the Word of God puts these doctrines and heresies in their place. Even if you have never gone to a Word of Faith church and don't even know what denomination it is, watch this video and examine your faith. Paul encourages us in 1 Corinthians 13:5 to "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless indeed you are disqualified.
God tells us to examine and test ourselves. Let the Holy Spirit reveal to you if you are believing and holding onto a false doctrine. I had held on to so many, but by the grace of God I'm coming to know Him more than I ever knew while I was under the Word of Faith movement.
Here's the video. Take a look and be blessed.